Why Holistic?
When referring to the term holistic it means treating or dealing with someone or something in the whole not just a part. When we think about beauty, there are no standards that define beauty rather at Norwest Beauty Therapy we define beauty as the overall health of the mind, body and soul.
Holistic Beauty is therefore a beauty and self-care all-encompassing approach to a healthy mind, body and soul which has the ability to ultimately bring results in clearer and healthier skin. This definition defines why beauty is far more than just our skin. Although there are multiple solutions available that are capable of fixing your skin quickly and can make your skin look radiant and more glowing instantaneously, these effects tend to be only temporary - "band aid fixes". Although there is nothing against these solutions, Norwest Beauty Therapy has reached the point where it has become important to achieve the deeper meaning of healthy skin and this can strongly advocate the concept of holistic beauty.
We ask our clients, what does holistic beauty mean to you? Sometimes it can be the idea of energy-driven wellness while at other times it could be more focused on lifestyle changes, sustainable diet or organically sourced products.
As holistic beauty means considering entire things which are involved in the beauty process, this will include how your products are being made and even the relevance of these products with your own lifestyle and skin. At Norwest Beauty Therapy we have brought some of the key areas which are important and connected them to our brand story.
Product values are important to understand but still your beauty or skincare products will be unable to make any difference if these are not suited for your skin type. Therefore, the next step of the holistic beauty approach is understanding your own skin in a more effective way.
We are strong advocates of our health being very closely linked to how our skin feels and looks and gut health plays a critical role. This is an important aspect of holistic beauty and because of this, you must understand your diet, lifestyle and health influences to determine how these are impacting your skin. Not only this, you also have to find out how maintaining your lifestyle and diet can bring more benefits to your skin beauty in the best possible way.
In simple terms, Norwest Beauty Therapy summarises holistic beauty as the a combination of lifestyle changes, diets, organically sourced brands and self care habits. Whether it is our lifestyle, diet or the people who influence our lives, all of these are shaping the current state of our body and mind. Further, when it comes to practice holistic beauty approaches then it is very important for you to find an effective combination of these elements.